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27 November 2008


Beauty Tips #8-Feet

Foot softener: get a cucumber and some milk. Chop up the cucumber and put it in the blender. Blend until it’s really chopped- almost a paste. Heat a little milk in the microwave or on the stove, and pour it over the cucumber just enough to make it like a heavy-lotion texture. Spread the mixture all over your feet- make sure it’s really thick (you may need to whip up another cucumber). Now, wrap your feet in plastic wrap and a warm towel. Kick back (literally) for ten to twenty minutes. Waddle over to the tub and rinse off your feet. Not only will they feel smooth, they’ll smell yummy too!Ever walked around all day (playing sports, mall-hiking) and when you get home, you feel like your feet are gonna’ fall off? Give ‘em a nice, soothing soak! First, boil some water over the stove. Add some chamomile tea bags and let them steep in the water for a while- at least until

Other alternatives to foot soaks:
Add some of your favorite conditioner to warm water
Add your favorite moisturizing body wash
Use dish soap- it may dry your feet a little, so you’ll have to slather lotion on them after (or get your boyfriend to do it- even better!). It gets rid of all that sweat and dirt, though, and is fun and bubbly.
Add another kind of tea - like Green or Lemon. Mix a bunch of different kinds to make a unique smell to relax you.

the water cools down enough so you can put your feet in it without being in pain. Plop your tootsies on in, and relax. (oh yeah, before you put your feet in the water you can take some out in a cup and drink it as you soak your toes!)

*Remember, you can’t use any kind of oil or lotion- it doesn’t mix with water!

Old trick: before you go to bed, smother Vaseline all over your feet and put on cotton socks. You’ll wake up with super smooth tootsies!

Whenever you put lotion on your bod or hands (which your should do every night before you sleep and when you wake up) put a lot on your feet. If you do it regularly, it’ll help ‘em from getting rough and gnarly like they always do!

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