Home Comment's Layout Photos Curson Trick News

Emotion Keren Buat Profile Friendster... Emotion Keren Buat Profile Friendster... Emotion Keren Buat Profile Friendster...

To display the comment that there's a picture:
First select the image you want, then Copy coding that brought these images cursor way point in the coding box "but right click select" Copy ", then right-click" but select "Paste" in the comment box's all your friends.

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01 November 2008

Friendster Deface... Berbahaya kah?

Friendster Deface... bisa dibilang metode hack dengan memanfaatkan HTML code yang diijinkan oleh Friendster melalui fasilitas comment atau testi... dengan memasukan script java yang bekerja untuk memanipulasi tampilan dari profile kita.
Untuk mengatasi atau sekedar jaga-jaga saja... Lakukan lah setting manual approve otomatis comment yang masuk...
Adapun cara lain yaitu:

1. Gunakan software browser Internet Explorer...
2. Log in ke friendster, kemudian ketikkan URL ini: http://www.friendster.com/comments.php
3. Nanti akan terlihat comment yang tidak biasa yang dikirim (biasanya) oleh orang yang tidak nampilin foto diri (primary photo)...
4. Jangan lupa setiap kali selesai berfriendster lakukan Log out....
5. Jika masih tidak bisa, coba gunakan browser lain...

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30 Oktober 2008

Animated Keren Buat Profile Friendster Keren...

Rasanya kurang jika hanya layout profile friendster yang kita hiasi dengan animated dan pernak pernik lain nya... Bagaimana dengan curson profile friendster anda?
Membuat beda tampilan curson pointer di profile friendster akan terasa lebih menambah keindah pada profile kita... Bagaimana tidak menarik jika pointer nya kita ganti dengan gambar animasi yang lucu-lucu dan gemesin... Wah pengen dong!
Ayo ikut friendstergoo berburu free animated cursor di beberapa web bawah ini:


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28 Oktober 2008


Layout Keren Buat Profile Friendster Keren...

Ingin profil friendster mu kelihatan menarik dan sesuai selera mu tanpa harus mengedit Customize CSS? Tentu mau dong ^^
Semakin menarik layout friendster kita, maka teman-teman yang berkunjung pun bisa betah lama-lama diprofil friendster kita...
Banyak cara memperindah tampilan profil friendster, salah satu nya menaruh image sebagai background fs kita... cara nya?


Carilah tampilan fs yang anda mau disini ...
Jika sudah pilih dan lakukan copy link yang ada pada box link dibawa gambar seperti contoh gambar disamping dengan cara klik kanan pilih Copy...


Langkah kedua login ke friendster mu kemudian cari box scroll seperti gambar disamping... Kemudian klik Customize Profile...


Nah sekarang anda telah ada di Customize Profile friendster mu... Lakukan scroll kebawa sampai anda menemukan Css box seperti gambar disamping... Langkah berikutnya temukan coding html "curson:url();"... Kemudian arah kan curson mouse anda diantara kurung kurawal buka dengan kurung kurawal tutup kemudian klik kiri sekali saja... Jika sudah klik kanan dan pilih Paste... Jika sudah kembali scroll kebawa dan pilIh Save...

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This made the Friendstergenic and the Friendsterholic a crazed with emulate. The following tips can guide short practical for you to be popular and famous celebrities at all shows. [1] Make sure you view the profile's very unique and interesting. You can design your own look by mengotak-atik CSS code or you can use that is so, and ready for use. You can be tough on Friendster-Layout.com does not again this blog page. [2] The next step is the profile of the contents you own. Make sure you write with jelsa, and with short words and heard the good word that's too formal. Select the word that is more familiar, also do not use too many languages Stop. Describe about yourself clearly so that the reader can quickly feel comfortable and familiar with that have the profile. Remember not too jaim and arrogant. [3] Make sure you look brief profile, solid but simple. You can add some video of the yea, i add slidehow in the Now Playing section with embed. [4] How the friend alias Friends? haha .. okay this is the importance of business-an perFriendster this. Friendster also the name, so I essentially all about the first (now Social =). When someone adds a new friend (now / add friends) that means someone is interested. So there was someone to add as a friend FSmu (friends) it means that people have a sense of interest to know more about you. So do not forget after you send him Approve college / comment to add, thanks Keep in thanks for adding me, does what it's how you domestic chain said. I can not forget to "keep in touch with me" make them (friends) feel you note. [5] So when these people get back testimu, meaning it is a good beginning to entwine with the first. [6] What's important not to acuhkan each of you who are memberimu testimonials alias comment, directly reply when you were. [7] As the cover do not behave too naive to be too arrogant or even look too miserable (pathetic). Try to stay cool and nice and cool alia. It was not all that make you successful boker .. yes there's more.

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